Saturday, 21 February 2015

Being random

When the notification came through that I was to be offered a period of Extended Study Leave (ESL – aka Sabbatical), it was not a surprise. In the Diocese of St Albans we are offered ESL each ten years (some constraints are in place – see here). I have been thinking of what I would like to do for the past two years, and I knew that coming to Palestine / Israel would play a major part in the activities I undertook – for reasons given in the blog post here.

Ahead of the ESL, in order to be given ‘permission’ (and funding) from the Diocese, I had to explain something of how I would spend my time across three areas: Rest and Refreshment, Broadening and Deepening, Getting Back In Touch with God. I shan’t bore you with all the details, but one of the things I indicated I would do under the last area was to complete a Mandala a day. I was first introduced to them by one of the other participants on the Training Course for Spiritual Directors that I undertook many moons ago. You can find out more about Mandalas here.

So, usually, at the end of each day before I head to bed, I spend a short thinking about the day: sifting and sorting (deliberately very briefly) in order to pick up the tone and feel of each day. Sometimes it will be something that I have heard on the radio or seen on a television programme that comes to mind. It may something that I’ve seen as I’ve journeyed through the day that has stuck with me, or there might be a particular feeling I am carrying with me that comes to the fore – good or bad, challenging or consoling. Then, with my trusty set of colouring pencils (pencils as they are light and I take them with me everywhere), I set to. I thought I’d share a random selection with you… make of them what you will.

I give you no explanation as to what any of them mean – although I have made a note for myself (and when I look back, I am sometimes very surprised!)




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