Some of you will
know the saying, the devil is in the detail: possibly not the most appropriate
saying with which to open a sermon in a church… but you know me!
The detail on
which my eye has settled when reading the passages for this evening is on the
question: “Why do you stand looking up
towards heaven?” It takes me back to Easter Day, when we heard the men in
dazzling white addressing the women who had come to anoint Jesus’ body, “Why do you look for the living among the
Now those of you
who know your bible inside out, or at least the relationship between writers
and particular books, may already be ahead of me when recalling that scholars
hold it to be that the same author wrote the Gospel of Luke from which the
account of the resurrection I have quoted comes, as well as book of Acts. No
wonder then there is similarity of sentence construction: Why do you… stand looking… Why do you… look for the living… continuing
on to say what has either happened or what will happen.
If we conflate
these two questions for the moment into Why
are you looking… I find that the asking of this question is quite fascinating.
Personally, I don’t find it unreasonable that the women would be at the
graveside on the third morning, having come to anoint the body of Jesus. It
would have been the first day after the Sabbath that they would have been able
to come and so, in love, they came. Not only in love though, but also in service,
dedication – and grief too. On finding that the body of Jesus was not there, we
read that they were perplexed – and this is not unreasonable either. Neither do
I find it unreasonable that that the disciples, on seeing Jesus ascend into
heaven just moments before, would be looking upwards towards the sky! Recall
another, more child-like saying, no-one
likes a smarty-pants: in the detail of clever men in white robes appearing
at gravesides and on mountain tops – there is more than just a slight feeling
of a pair of smarty-pants being in the building! To this I shall return!
This ‘Why are you ‘looking is not the most
important part of the questioning though – it is about where and when they
are looking. Neither of these places is the place to look because Jesus is no
longer there. The women by the grave and the disciples on the hill top are
challenged to remember and to respond.
The women are
reminded to think about Jesus’ prophecy, his promise that he would rise again
after three days. They do indeed remember, and go to tell the disciples that
what Jesus said would happen has indeed taken place. Alas, the men did not
believe them – but that’s another story! The women see, the women look, the
women remember, the women respond.
As we have heard
in Gospel reading this evening, just moments before the men in white robes
appear, the disciples have been told what is to happen and what they are to do.
Rather than standing looking up to the heavens, they are urged to remember, and
to respond with alacrity. They are challenged not to just stand there and wait,
but to get on and go to the city and wait there for the Spirit to come. The
disciples see, the disciples look, the disciples remember, the disciples
respond – just as the women at the grave did.
The women and the
disciples are being told, this is not the
most important part of the proceedings because Jesus told you what would happen.
Believe it to be so, and move to where he will be because you know what he says
is true. ‘Why do you stand looking here when…’ really means, ‘You’re in the
wrong place at the wrong time’.
As we will know,
this theme runs persistently through the Gospels, of the disciples seeking to
understand, seeking to do the right thing, seeking to be in the right place –
but often getting it ever so slightly wrong. It’s not for want of trying though
– and they do learn and they do succeed – they must have done or we wouldn’t be
here today. The women at the graveside, the disciples at the top of the
mountain needed someone to assist them as Jesus is no longer here to do it. The
smarty-pants in white robes are, in fact, angels – doing what angels do –
giving a message, reminding, prompting – sharing the words, works and purposes
of God. Jesus is no longer there to remind these people, the angels cannot stay
to do this either – and so they remind these people of what Jesus foretold and
encourage them to move to be in the right place at the right time. The women
are to be the apostles to the apostles and the disciples are to be in Jerusalem
to receive the Holy Spirit.
People who can
ask us – kindly – why are you looking here when you have already heard, or you
already know, are useful people to find. Sometimes we may be stuck; we may be
pausing and waiting in familiar territory, fearful of what is to come, or
forgetting what we already know. In these situations, God will often send
someone with the right word, a reminder that will set us on the right track
that will give us courage to walk towards what is to come to us. The promises
of God are many and generous and are there for us to step into.
So what of the
next events – for what are we waiting? What might be for us in this period in
which we, like the disciples, wait for Jesus to descend in the way he ascended?
What might we be hoping for as we prepare to celebrate again the outpouring of
the Holy Spirit at Pentecost?
Well, to begin
with, what have we been promised? What has Jesus revealed to us that will
change our world – even now, these two thousand or so years on? For you as an
individual, what already that ‘fits’ with what you know to be God’s purposes
for you, and for those around you? What has been offered to the people of God
that you know could be in accord with your ‘skill set’ and therefore could be
the task that is assigned for you to do? Who are the people around you in
metaphorical white robes who are reminding you of what you already know and
what Jesus has promised and therefore where you should be going to next.
This time from
Ascension Day to Pentecost is set aside by the church as a time for praying in
the Holy Spirit into our loves again. Perhaps these questions that we might ask
are ones you might spend these next days praying with and pondering – thus moving
yourself spiritually to the right place so that you are prepared for what is to
come for you and those around you. Not using them just as questions, but rather
as an invitation to God to make you ready to respond to what God wants you to do
with him to change your life and the life of the world.
A prayer for these
days towards Pentecost:
me where you want me to be
and give me courage to go there;
and give me courage to go there;
me what you want me to do
and give me strength to fulfil the task you have assigned;
and give me strength to fulfil the task you have assigned;
me who will help me
and give me grace to receive your guidance through them;
and give me grace to receive your guidance through them;
me your will
and give me humility to accept the gifts you give to me.
and give me humility to accept the gifts you give to me.
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