Saturday, 26 October 2024

Travel broadens the mind

There is a saying that runs, ‘Travel broadens the mind’. If you are at all open in mind, and heart and spirit, there is no doubt that this is true. 

What is also true is that travel – and the associated broadening of one’s mind – can be both exhilarating and exhausting!

Thus, it is that over the past few weeks I have felt my mind to be broadened and stretched, my heart to be buoyed and battered, my soul to be exhilarated and exhausted. Recovery is taking time.

For this reason, posts have taken a bit of a back seat. There will be more, but for this moment, I am taking time to reflect on what I have seen. Pray about it. Recover from it too.

Here is a favourite video from when I visited waterfalls in India. A man fishing... Brilliantly, with no reel!