At Church today we had our annual Service of Remembrance and Thanksgiving for the Departed. There were a lot of people in attendance.It is a moving Service, and people always express their gratitude.My message today was that we should live with hope - and here is my sermon.
many of you will know, the death of someone with whom we have been close,
either through family ties, marital love and harmony, brother or sisterly
bonds, or simply through friendship, the death of someone close brings with it
a whole multitude and maelstrom of emotions.
may be relief that the person is no longer suffering, if they were ill for a
long time; there will be shock if it was a sudden and unexpected death; if the
person was young, it can seem unutterably sad, and if they had lived a good
many years – and had a good innings – somehow we always would have liked them
to live that little bit longer. All of these emotions and thoughts and feelings
are completely normal.
these feelings are completely normal does not make the whole journey of
grieving any less an important journey to make though. Sadness, anger,
recrimination, guilt, joyful remembrance all have their place and their part as
we journey towards creating a new life without the person whom we have loved
and lost.
feelings reveal a tension: we live with the sorrow that they are with us no
longer, but also, hopefully, with the joy that we have known them at all, and
that they live now in the presence of God.
questions we ask about ‘where they have gone’, ‘where are they now’ are
questions that have been asked through the centuries as people like you and me
have sought to make sense of death, in the midst of life. Without realising, we
humans do tend to live as though we are immortal!
have asked questions about what death means for many, many years. The reading
we have just heard shows us that this is so. In a Letter written to the people
living in the city of Thessalonica almost two thousand years ago, not long
after Jesus had died, Saint Paul writes to tell them of what he understands happens
to us when we die. The souls of those who have died are ‘caught up the air’ and
we, in due course will be with them. As we read: Then we who are alive, who are left, will be caught up together with
them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. Somehow, God brings our
souls to himself – and in doing so, we are held in the love and safety of God’s
Paul writes to the Thessalonians of this truth because they are unsure, they
are obviously wondering what happens, just as some of us might. Paul writes to
those who grieve who are in danger of having no hope, so that they might know
the truth of God’s care, even unto death, and in knowing this, might have hope
restored for them.
feelings threaten to overwhelm us, it is so easy to lose hope. Grief is a hard
and complex journey. It was so for those living in Thessalonica all those years
ago and thus it has been for people through the years since. It is important to
know that those we have loved who have died are cared for by God, and also that
we will be too.
So I, with Saint Paul,
invite you to live with hope. Wherever you are on your journey of loss, never
lose hope. We heard in the poem an invitation to live, Think of me as
withdrawn into the dimness, yours still, you mine; remember all the best of our
past moments, and forget the rest; and so to where I wait, come gently on. Those we have loved wait for us. Not in
limbo or oblivion, but in God’s presence, and in God’s realm, where we will
journey too in our own due time. Live in hope my friends, and never fall prey
to despair. Live in hope and trust of the promise of future glory for us all.